In the vascular and surgery department the treatment of the patients with various diseases of the aorta, the great arteries and veins is performed. One of the priorities of department activity is the treatment of atherosclerotic lesions of the aorta, its branches, and arteries. Huge technological facilities of Erebouni MC enables the most advanced to date diagnostic examination and surgical intervention.
One of the most threatening diseases of the aorta is an aortic aneurysm. It is a local extension of the wall of aorta or diffuse enlargement of the entire aorta. According to various authors, up to 60% non-operated patients die in the first 1-2 years after the diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysm from its rupture. The most characteristic symptom of the abdominal aortic aneurysm is dull or aching pain in the abdomen. The pain may be continuous or intermittent and be localized mainly in the navel region or in the left half of the abdomen. It is often described irradiation of pain in the lumbar region. The most affordable, safe and reliable method for the diagnosis of this pathology is the ultrasonic method. The final diagnosis is made by CT contrast angiography. In patients with diagnosed abdominal aorta aneurysm the surgical treatment with resection of aortal aneurism and its prosthetics with synthetic prosthesis are performed. Age is not a contraindication for surgical treatment. With narrowing of the carotid arteries, interventions are also successfully carried out-carotid endarterectomy with artery plasty, eversion endarterectomy, thanks to which the risk of strokes is reduced in patients.
Obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower limbs is manifested by the symptoms of "intermittent claudication", i.e. the occurrence of pain in the calf muscles when walking, and the disappearance at rest. This is the characteristic symptoms of stenosis or occlusion (blockage) at the level of the arteries of the legs or aortic bifurcation. Similar pain in the hands indicates that arterial lesions of the pectoral arch are present. It is very important the timely diagnostics and treatment. Surgical treatment of this disease are includes various reconstructive surgical intervention on the aorta, iliac and leg arteries In case of thrombosis of the venous system of legs and presence of high risk of a blood clot migration the implantation of temporary or permanent cava filters are used at the department. This technique allows successfully prevent such life threatening complication of this disease as pulmonary embolism.
Varicose veins disease is one of the most common diseases of the venous system of the people. In 15-20% of patients in the late stages of varicose veins disease the trophic ulcers, varicose eczema, thrombophlebitis are developing. The radical treatment of varicose veins disease is surgical with usage of cosmetic skin sutures. As an alternative method of treatment of varicose veins disease is often considered phlebosclerosing therapy and percutaneous laser coagulation, which are conducted on vessels of small caliber. These methods are less traumatic, performed on an outpatient basis and usually provide a good cosmetic result.
The department also uses the endovenous laser coagulation of subcutaneal veins, which allows performing complete correction alongside with the maximum cosmetic effect. In addition, in the early stages of varicose veins disease in the department widely used the method of puncturing laser coagulation of perforated veins.
The range of surgical interventions performed at the Department: Surgery on the aorta:
- aorto-femoral bypass / prosthetics of bifurcation,
- linear prosthetic of the aorta
- thrombectomy of the aorta
Surgery on the carotid arteries:
- carotid endarterectomy,
- correction of deformation of the carotid arteries,
- chemodectoma removing
Surgery in arteries diseases:
- thrombendarterectomy,
- embolectomy,
- iliac / aorto-femoral bypass,
- femoro-popliteal bypass,
- extra-anatomic bypass
- surgery on peripheral and visceral arteries aneurysms
- sympathectomy
Surgery for permanent vascular access:
- arteriovenous anastomosis of patients undergo to dialysis
- arterio-venous shunts / prosthetic of patients undergo to dialysis
Surgery in venous thrombosis:
- cava filter implantation,
- thrombectomy,
- venectomy,
Interventions in venous pathology:
- endovenous laser coagulation,
- percutaneous laser coagulation,
- venectomy,
- miniphlebectomy,
- sclerotherapy
- surgery in chronic pelvic pain that developed due to venous hypertension.
All services
- Anesthesiology Department
- General & Thoracic Surgery Department
- General & Laparoscopic Surgery Department
- Minimal Invasive Surgery Department
- Aesthetic & Maxillofacial Surgery Department
- Coloproctology Department
- Endocrine Surgery Department
- ENT Department
- Plastic Surgery and Microsurgery Department
- Urology Department
- Traumatology & Orthopaedic Department
- Vascular Surgery Department
- Mammology and Breast surgery Service
- Wound and Lymphedema Management and Treatment Service