Republican Epileptology Center was founded in 1994 by Prof. Darbinyan V.J. and is a clinical basis for chair of Neurology of Yerevan State Medical University.
The Center carries a wide range of outpatient and inpatient examinations to clarify the diagnosis of epilepsy with a precise definition of its type and form. The careful selection of anticonvulsive therapy and prolonged monitoring is performed at the Center.
The most informative examination, especially in complex cases is a daily EEG that permits to evaluate the bioelectric activity of the brain with definition of epi-activity in case of its presence. This examination is carried out for adults and in difficult cases includes the sleep deprivation (exception of sleep for 24-36 hours).
The tasks of the epileptology center:
- Diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic epilepsy (genetically determined),
- Diagnosis and treatment of symptomatic (acquired) epilepsies, including those that caused by congenital malformations of the brain, hereditary metabolic diseases, chromosomal disorders, aftermath of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy of newborn and also by symptomatic vascular, post-stroke, post-traumatic, oncogenic or post-infection epilepsy,
- Diagnosis and treatment of cryptogenic (with unknown etiology) epilepsy,
- Diagnosis and treatment of epileptic encephalopathies (West syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Landau-Kleffner syndrome, status epilepticus phase of slow wave sleep and others.),
- Evaluation of the risk of inheritance of epilepsy in families that burdened with this disease,
- Dynamic follow-up of patients with epilepsy,
- Conduct multidisciplinary medical consultation of patients in complex diagnostic cases,
- Hospitalization for confirmation / exclusion of symptomatic forms of epilepsy (CT scan, MRI of the brain, prolonged EEG monitoring, video-EEG monitoring, determination of anticonvulsant medicine in the blood, etc.).
Indications for appointment to the Center:
- for first time diagnosed epilepsy
- epilepsy resistant treatment
- epileptic syndrome of unknown etiology
- epilepsy and epileptic syndrome of various etiologies
- unclassified and unspecified paroxysmal states
The Centre carries out:
- selection of individual anticonvulsant therapy,
- determination of the patient's management tactics,
- monitoring of the level of anti-epileptic drugs in the blood in case of their low therapeutic effect,
- detection of side effects of anticonvulsants and its corrections,
- definition of the time and tactic of discharge from the antiepileptic drugs,
- development and implementation of the most advanced protocols of examination and treatment of patients with epilepsy,
- patient's education in problems of epilepsy.
In the department also created the conditions for the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from the following diseases or conditions:
- demyelinating diseases,
- Multiple Sclerosis,
- establishment of the causes and treatment of the headaches,
- dizziness, establishing the causes and treatment,
- diseases of the peripheral nervous system, etc.
All the specialists of the center have their specialization in Neurology; are members of various European Neurological Societies, including the International League Against Epilepsy (International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) -, association for sleep disorders, association for motion system disorders.
Besides of complete set of diagnostic clinic facilities the department has:
- intensive care unit with a central oxygen supply and with individual monitoring,
- a set of equipment for EEG / EEG for various durations examination, including EEG monitoring, EEG after sleep deprivation,
- electroneuromyography,
- electromyograph,
- CT.
The priority areas of the center's activity are:
- an outpatient and inpatient consultation and examination of the patient with epilepsy
- selection of anticonvulsant therapy,
- long-term monitoring of patients.
- an inpatients and outpatients diagnosis and treatment of the patients, suffering from multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases.
Periodically organized and performed (15.08. - 23.08.2008. and 13.09. -18.09.2013) The Caucasian Regional Summer School on topical issues of epileptology.
One of the important projects performed by Epileptology Center is the social integration of children who suffer from the epilepsy (Gyumri); Stroke Summer School for young neurologists, June 6-8, 2014. Tsaghkadzor.
Being the part of multiprofile medical center, the Department realizes the diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of the patients, who suffer from headaches, vertigo, diseases of the peripheral nervous system and etc., including those who gets treatment in other departments of Erebouni Medical Center.
The priorities of Epileptology Center activity are:
- Epilepsy and other paroxysmal disorders of the nervous system.
- Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases
- Strokes
- Diseases of the peripheral nervous system