Rehabilitation Service of MC Erebouni was established in 2014.
The best specialists, whose work experience corresponds to international standards, work in Rehabilitation Service. The Service has multifunctional significance and collaborates with different departments and specialists.Physiotherapeutic and rehabilitation treatment are carried out using the latest effective methods and equipment.
Main activities of the Service:
• Rehabilitation
• Physiotherapy
• Speech therapy
Rehabilitation Service uses a wide range of rehabilitation aids, which relate to exercise therapy, physiotherapy, manual therapy. The department developed original training techniques with the use of various types of manual and hardware massage, occupational therapy and kynesitherapy.
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Rehabilitation Service carries out treatment and recovery activities with the following group of patients:
- Resuscitation patients
- Poststroke patients who have muscular insufficiency (paralysis, paresis)
- patients with vertebral pathologies (treatment of spinal hernias, laser therapy, heel spurs, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, coxarthrosis, arthrosis)
- Patients with cardiopulmonary pathology
- Patients with orthopedic and post-traumatic disorders
- Patients with impaired swallowing (dysphagia)
- Patients with speech disorders (aphasia, dysarthria, disturbances in the rate and rhythm of speech, dysphonia).
Means and methods of functional rehabilitation.
-Complexes of respiratory gymnastics
-CPM therapy (passive mobilization)
-Kinesiotherapy (mobilizing gymnastic complexes including using of simulators)
-Treatment by position
-Mechanotherapy using pendulum and block simulators
- Means of small physiotherapy: phototherapy, magnetotherapy, cutaneous electrostimulation, thermal applications
-Medical and drug blockade;
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Doctor`s round, discussions on tactics of treatment are scheduled in the Service daily, and monthly - seminars and classes.
Rehabilitation is a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures, that help restore the lost abilities of a patient after various diseases. The main place in restorative medicine is a physical rehabilitation. It involves the integrated use of both physical exercises and effects, as well as natural factors. This type of rehabilitation is aimed at restoring the functions of damaged organs, adapting after injuries, involving in the habitual way of life.
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The purpose of the rehabilitation course is to maximally achieve the full restoration of the lost functions in the patient, based on the existing consequences of the trauma or disease.
Significant increase in the number and complexity of surgical interventions, a large list of new surgical methods, and the extension of the age limits of patients required a clear definition of priorities in the work of the service:
• approaching rehabilitation to the patient's bed;
• intensive work in the early postoperative period, and in some cases, also in preoperative period;
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Methods of rehabilitation therapy.
Methods of physical rehabilitation therapy:
- Physical therapy(PT) is a specially developed complex of physical exercises carried out under supervision of a specialist. They help to eliminate degenerative changes in tissues and organs, allow to cope with atrophy. Physical therapy helps to normalize metabolism, improves cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles and ,in general, "calms down" the nervous system and cheers up. It is important not to overdo it: you should practice according to the program developed by the doctor.
- Mechanotherapy is a complement to physical therapy. These are the same exercises, but they are carried out by the patient independently , with the help of a special hardwares. It helps to improve the mobility of muscles and joints, to cope with atrophic and degenarative processes, to restore the functions lost as a result of injuries. The exercises should be carried out under supervision of the specialist. Only the specialist can correctly install and fix the segment of the body on the structure, to choose the load and estimate the pace of the movements.
- Physiotherapy is a rehabilitation with help of physical factors: heat, magnetic radiation , electric current, light, air and others. The method involves the use of special tools and hardwares. In case of disordered motor function electrical stimulation ,i.e. current, is used. Methods of thermal exposure, for example, paraffin wax applications are used in recovery after spinal injuries. Laser therapy helps to eliminate pain and swelling, and magnetotherapy- to improve the general condition of the body. These procedures are painless, and some of them have a number of contraindications, therefore, physiotherapeutic treatment is selected individually.
Rehabilitation features of different character after injuries.
Injuries of the spine.
They can be obtained as a result of bruises, falls, squeezing and other influences. This is one of the most dangerous types of mechanical damage, since it can lead to extremely serious consequences: disruption of the conducting pathways of the spinal cord. The latter entails immobility and loss of sensitivity. The program and terms of rehabilitation depend on the severity of the injury, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient. The initial stage of rehabilitation should be carried out in the first days after the injury. First of all, the patient needs help to take the correct position on the bed, preventive maintenance of bedsores and stagnant phenomena in the lungs should be carried out. Patients with spinal cord injury are also immediately prescribed respiratory gymnastics and diet. At the second stage of recovery, massage, reflexotherapy, physiotherapy, mechanotherapy and therapeutic exercises are recommended. At the third stage, the set of exercises is changing: swimming in the pool can be added to physical therapy, physiotherapy and mechanotherapy. To restore lost skills, classes with the ergotherapist are held.
Craniocerebral injury
The terms of rehabilitation and complex of rehabilitation therapy with such injuries depend on the degree of severity of injury. With light craniocerebral injuries under the regime, proper nutrition and physiotherapeutic treatment, recovery usually occurs within a month and does not require additional rehabilitation measures. As for severe and moderate to severe craniocerebral injuries, they can cause difficulty in moving - it becomes difficult for patients to care for themselves. There may be speech impairment, vision impairment. Massage, exercise therapy and PT will be effective already at the first stages of rehabilitation.
Injuries of musculosceletal system
This type of injury includes fractures, cracks, joint injuries, dislocations, muscle and tendon ruptures, sprains. During the early rehabilitation period, patients are individually prescribed physiotherapy, helping to get rid of edema, PT and mechanotherapy. Massage therapy will also benefit. As we have seen, rehabilitation after injuries and fractures is a complex process. It consists of a complex of methods of restorative therapy. Only a specialist can create an individual program. For early recovery, it is extremely important to create comfortable conditions and at the same time to provide permanent medical care.
In the Service are carried out the following physiotherapeutic procedures with the use of the latest equipment:
• Decompression of different parts of spine
• Electrophoresis
• Electrostimulation
• Magtnetotherapy
• Laser therapy
• Plasmolifting
• Impulse therapy
• Darsonvalisation
• Massage therapy
• Physical therapy
• Kinesiotherapy
• Phototherapy
• Inhalation therapy
• Recovery of facial nerve
• Scoliosis treatment
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The department also carries out speech therapy, which studies the causes, mechanisms, symptoms, course, the structure of violations of speech activity, the system of corrective action.
Speech therapist carries out diagnostic examination of patients with speech disorders and other higher mental functions. Together with the doctor, individual programs for medical and pedagogical rehabilitation of patients with speech disorders and other higher mental functions (aphasia, dysarthria, dyslexia, dysphagia, dysgraphia, stammering, etc.) are compiled according to various methods (for example: exercises involving muscles participating in the conversation and etc .).
The gym is equipped with all facilities for rehabilitation and restorative treatment: a Swedish wall, balls, mats, multifunctional trestle beds, a treadmill, an apparatus for adjusting walking.
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In the structure of the department there are a number of specialized rooms: Massage room for manual and hardware massage (vacuum massage, vibromassage).
The purpose of the rehabilitation department:
Using scientifically proven methods and means of physical rehabilitation, to achieve the most favorable functional outcome after surgery for each patient.
Main objectives:
1. To maintain a high level of qualification of staff through regular training;
2. To maintain close cooperation between the staff of the department with colleagues from other clinical departments of MC Erebouni;
3. To improve the methods for monitoring the quality of performance of their official duties for each staff member.
4. Modernize rehabilitation means and methods in accordance with modern achievements of science and technology;
5. To take an active part in the research work of MC Erebouni;
6. In the performance of official duties at all levels of relationships, follow the high principles of medical ethics and deontology.
Main activities.
-Functional and psychological training of patients to the surgical stage of rehabilitation;
-Intensive recovery treatment of patients by means of physical rehabilitation in the postoperative period;
-Consultative and methodical help on the problems of functional recovery of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system at any stages of rehabilitation.
The main groups of diseases and conditions.
- Causes of injuries: joint contractures, pain, neuropathies, tunnel syndromes;
- Postoperative conditions (arthroplasty, endoprosthetics, lengthening and correction of the axis of the segment, re-plantation, spinal surgery, etc.);
- Osteoarthrosis of different localization;
- Osteochondrosis of intervertebral discs, spondylarthrosis, spondylosis;
- Dysplastic, dystrophic and posttraumatic deformations of the spine;
- Osteochondropathy of various localizations;
- Rheumatoid arthritis without visceral manifestations, I-II degree of activity.
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Forms of rehabilitation
-Rehabilitation from intensive care department to hospital discharge
-Rehabilitation in bed, in the ward, in the rehabilitation areas of the departments, in the room of PT
- Physiotherapy at all stages of inpatient treatment.
The service has united the best specialists who use their knowledge and experience for the benefit of your health.
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The Service is equipped with:
Traction table ORMED
Curative effect of Traction table ORMED
• Treatment of intervertebral disk herniation without surgical intervention
• Elimination of various degenerative dystrophic changes ( dorsopathy, spondylolysis, spondyloarthritis);
• Disk protrusion treatment
• Disturbance of cerebral circulation (Vertebral artery syndrome )
• Treatment of spinal curvature
• Treatment of scoliosis
• Rehabilitation after stroke
• Prevention of spinal diseases
Procedures carried out on ORMED- traction:
• Cervical extension, with a smooth adjustment of the angle in the frontal and sagittal planes
• Lumbosacral extension with a smooth adjustment of the angle in the frontal plane
• Symmetric stretching
• Differentiated traction
• Constant traction
• Alternating traction
• Extension of the joints of the upper and lower extremities
Everson ultrasound hardware is used in the treatment of :
• arthrosis, arthritis, hematoma, bursitis, tendonitis, swelling, stretching (orthopedics and traumatology);
• endometritis, endometriosis, tubal infertility (gynecology);
• myospasm, trigger points (neurology);
• stretching, swelling, bruising (sports medicine);
• scarring, distortion, puffiness (cosmetology).
The laser hardware -OR-A-2K:
• Inflammatory diseases (local acute inflammation, abscess, phlegmon, furuncle, carbuncle, hydradenitis, panaritium, paranichia, wounds, burns, frostbites);
• Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, myositis, tenosynovitis, periarthritis of the shoulder joint, arthritis of the shoulder joint, arthritis of the elbow joint, arthritis of the wrist joint, arthritis of the hip joint, arthritis of the knee joint, sprain of the knee joint, arthritis of the ankle, sprain of the ankle joint, arthritis of the joints of the foot, fracture of the bone, heel spur.);
• Diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, cardiomyopathy, acquired heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, obliterating endarteritis, varicose veins, varicose ulcer (trophic);
• Diseases of the respiratory system (tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma);
• Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, type 2 diabetes, gastritis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, colitis non specific);
• Diseases of the genitourinary system (hemorrhoids, anal fissure, prostatitis, impotence, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, renal colic, enuresis);
• Diseases of the female genital tract (salpingitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis, menstrual irregularities, mastitis);
• Diseases of the nervous system (neuritis of the facial nerve, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica, alcoholic abstinence syndrome);
• Skin diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, herpes);
• Diseases of the ear, throat, nose (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, frontal tonsillitis, tonsillitis);
• Diseases of the mouth (periodontitis, periodontitis, jaw fracture, periodontitis acute, arthritis of the temporomandibular joint).
Couch for relaxation ORMED RELAX
Procedures performed on the hardware:
• local microstretching of the spine;
• graduated roller massage;
• balanced heating of the near-vertebral zone;
• dosed vibrating massage of the spine;
Treatment and preventionn of the diseases:
• osteochondrosis;
• scoliosis;
• curvature of the spine;
• hernia and protrusion of intervertebral discs;
• other diseases of the spine.
OMRON inhaler for the treatment of :
- bronchitis,
-cough and rhinitis (ARI)
Amplipulse therapy
Amplipulse therapy is a therapeutic technique for physiotherapy, in which sinusoidal modulated currents (CMT) are applied to areas of the body. Due to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, resorptive, anti-edema, vasodilating, hypotensive and other actions of sinusoidal currents, amplipulse therapy is used to treat the following diseases:
• diseases of the nervous system;
• vegetative-vascular and trophic disturbances
• Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, joints, genitourinary system;
• diabetes mellitus and others.
Magnetotherapy Almag 01
• Almag-01 is used to treat injured organs with a traveling impulse magnetic field and promotes the disappearance of symptoms of inflammation, pain relief, restoration of human performance, and a reduction in the volume of medications. Due to the effect of the magnetic field and its distribution over several radiators, during the treatment, the effect is simultaneously on the entire vertebral column, the main part of the internal organs, the considerable surface area of the body or the limb of the patient.
• After the age of 40, most people begin to experience regular pain in the spine and joints. This tendency to develop diseases of the spine is connected to a sedentary lifestyle. Few people can not spend a lot of time sitting at the computer or driving a car. Such a prolonged stay in a static, not natural for a person position, causes a static tension of the muscles of the back of a person. Also, muscle overload and overexertion, excessive exercise, hard work in the garden or the lifting of heavy objects often lead to the same disorders as inactive lifestyles - the appearance of pain in the spine.
• Back pain is the signal of the body, which has problems with the musculoskeletal system. There are a lot of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Osteochondrosis of the spine, and deforming osteoarthritis, and arthritis, and arthrosis of various joints. All these diseases have one thing in common - they are extremely poorly treated with medications. Basically, the currently existing medicines, tablets or ointments only muffle the pain.
Darsonval - ISKRA-1
• It is a pulse-modulated high-frequency generator, at the output of which a resonator (step-up transformer) is connected, supplying high-voltage glass vacuum electrodes of various shapes that ensure the application of local darsonvalization. The acting factors of local darsonvalization are: electromagnetic pulse oscillations, high-voltage spark discharges, to some extent ozone and nitrogen oxides.
• Designed for the treatment of certain diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, muscular, dentoalveolar system and skin.
• The most common local darsonvalization is used in neurological, otorhinolaryngological, surgical, dermatological, dental, gynecological practice.
The method itself has been used for a long time. Plasmolifting of joints is a method based on the ability of the human body to self-repair. Our body has amazing regeneration capabilities, but sometimes it needs help to start the recovery process. The procedure is the introduction into the joint cavity of the patient's own blood plasma. Plasma contains growth factors - biologically active substances that stimulate the processes of tissue repair, and do it locally, only where necessary. Approximately the same thing happens with any trauma: the growth factors cause the tissues to heal and regenerate. The cells at the site of the injury are actively dividing, and very soon there is no trace of bruise and scratch. When blood plasma is injected into the joint, the growth factors in the same way "awaken" the cells of the cartilaginous tissue. As a result, microtrauma is healed, the surface of the joint becomes smooth, even the structure of bone tissue is restored. Indications and contraindications to auto plasma therapy of joints: Indications for plasmolifting of the joints are lot. The procedure is recommended for almost all types of diseases and joint injuries. It will help with injuries, arthritis and arthrosis of I and II degrees, deforming arthritis and arthrosis, bursitis, myofascial syndrome, coxarthrosis, tendonitis, osteochondrosis and calcaneal spur.
UHF-therapy is a method of physiotherapy, based on the impact on the body of a large high-frequency electromagnetic field with the frequency of electromagnetic oscillations. During the interaction with the electromagnetic field emitted by the physiotherapeutic hardware and the patient's body, two types of electric current are formed. Indications:
- Acute inflammatory processes of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (especially purulent).
- inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
-inflammatory diseases of ENT organs and ARI.
- inflammatory diseases of the lungs.
- gynecological diseases of inflammatory character.
- diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
- inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Getting light in a natural and artificial way for treatment is called light therapy (phoptotherapy). The absorption of light by the body is transformed into a temperature that increases the metabolism in tissues. Therapeutic properties-anti-inflammatory, metabolic, local anesthesia. Indications: chronic inflammatory processes of internal organs, burns, hard healing wound, ulcers, pain syndromes of peripheral neurology, with injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
Electrophoresis POTOK 1
The drug enters the body by galvanic current.
- burbits,
- neurological diseases.
Rehabilitation Service carries out treatment and recovery activities with the following group of patients:
- Resuscitation patients
- Poststroke patients who have muscular insufficiency (paralysis, paresis)
- patients with vertebral pathologies (treatment of spinal hernias, laser therapy, heel spurs, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, coxarthrosis, arthrosis)
- Patients with cardiopulmonary pathology
- Patients with orthopedic and post-traumatic disorders
- Patients with impaired swallowing (dysphagia)
- Patients with speech disorders (aphasia, dysarthria, disturbances in the rate and rhythm of speech, dysphonia).