Physiotherapy is a set of methods for treating various diseases by the help of physical factors such as electric current, magnetic radiation, heat, air, light and many others. Physiotherapy is an integral part of rehabilitation period after severe injuries, as well as a magic wand for chronic diseases of various organs. Physiotherapy is actively developing. To date there are many different methods, that have beneficial effect both on the whole body and on a local problem areas.
The main objective of Physiotherapy Service is to provide medical service to the population, organize and carry out medical, recovery and preventive activities with the use of physical factors and therapeutic physical training.
Physiotherapeutic procedures are usually painless and do not cause allergic reactions or other side effects. However, most of them have contraindications, so it is very important to consult a physiotherapist before proceeding with physiotherapy.
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Treatment is carried out in case of the following diseases and conditions:
• organs of the musculoskeletal system
• bronchopulmonary pathology,
• neurological diseases,
• effects of strokes
• nervous system (neuritis, neuralgia, plexitis, myelitis, encephalopathy, migraine, neuropathy, rehabilitation of patients with ONMC, CEH, venous outflow obstruction from the cranial cavity);
• cardiovascular system (chronic ischemic heart disease, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, hypertension, hypotension, neurocirculatory dystonia, rehabilitation of patients with acute myocardial infarction);
• musculoskeletal system (nonspecific arthritis, polyarthritis, Bechterew's disease, spondylitis, spondylosis, spinal osteochondrosis, hernia of intervertebral disc, radiculitis, post traumatic and postoperative diseases of the spine and joints, etc.);
• the digestive tract (chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, etc.);
• female genital organs (chronic inflammatory diseases of female genital organs, adhesive disease of small pelvis, etc.) and restorative treatment after medical abortion and other surgical interventions on pelvic organs;
• upper respiratory tract (chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, etc.);
• dental diseases of the maxillofacial sphere and postoperative restorative treatment.
• urological and nephrological diseases (urolithiasis, cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis);
• ENT diseases (maxillitis, sinusitis, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc.);
• pre- and postoperative restorative treatment of surgical patients;
• proctologic diseases (hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, anal fissure);
• endocrine syndromes and diseases (hypo- and hypergalactia, diabetes mellitus, diabetic polyneuropathy, metabolic syndrome).
In Physiotherapy Service of MC Erebouni, the following physiotherapy methods are widely used:
• Electrotherapy (galvanization, electrophoresis of medicinal substances, diadynamic therapy, amplipulse therapy, electrosleep.)
• Combined electric and ultrasound therapy
• Low-frequency magnetotherapy (alternating magnetic field, running magnetic field, rotating magnetic field, constant magnetic field)
• Currents and electromagnetic fields (UHF-therapy, darsonvalization)
• Laser therapy
• Inhalation
• BEMER-therapy (low-frequency bioresonance therapy) general and local
• Pressotherapy
• Hand massage
• individual physiotherapy sessions.
• Kinesitherapy
• Gym
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“Endoecological Di-Bluden Rehabilitation Service” of MC Erebouni was founded on 1 July 2014. and is one of the priority areas for prevention and treatment of patients with vertebral syndromes, with neurological disorders, muscular syndromes and neurovascular manifestations.
The innovative technique of treatment of the above mentioned range of diseases, called "Endoecological Di-Bluden Rehabilitation" is a scientifically based and proven development of the specialists of the “Centre of New Technologies”, who offer an arsenal of medicinal factors at a professional level since 1998 . The novelty of the proposed rehabilitation is in completing of a correctly selected method of treatment and recovery procedures and the development of phytocomposition with argentaurum ionization, which opened the possibility of normalizing effects on previously unavailable targets of pathological processes. A detailed study of the brilliant works of L. A Orbeli, that made a fundamental contribution to the development of various sections of physiology (VNS and CNS) and received world recognition (the Orbeli-Gynetsinsky phenomenon), formed the basis for the proposed methodology. For the maximum regional deposition with the positive effect of dimephosphone on the metabolic and hemodynamic processes in the tissues and structures of the cervical spine that have undergone changes, specialists offer the introduction of phytopreparations by an optimal method of electrophoresis with argentaurum ionization. It is the impulse currents that stimulate the segmental structures of the spinal cord, including the autonomic ganglia, strengthen the regional blood circulation and promote a deeper and prolonged deposition of the active substance.
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Physiotherapy Service offers a comprehensive use of scientifically based medical factors, which greatly expands the therapeutic possibilities, allows a more targeted and multifaceted effect for pathological process.
For conservative treatment the Service uses the new generation of automated devices - "Elfor-Prof", which are intended for drug electrophoresis and galvanization; can be used for almost all therapeutic procedures. The device has a mode of current stabilization, which automatically maintains the set value of current throughout the procedure.
When conducting the procedures of galvanization and drug electrophoresis, medical electrodes made of silver and gold (or copper) are used, which send pulse currents in four streams and are located along a transverse, longitudinal or transverse-diagonal technique. In practice, we use the author's work of E.S. Savadyan "electrode device" (Author's certificate No. 1463313, class A 61 N 1/04, 1986., Central Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N.Priorov) . The device contains several active electrodes and a passive electrode connected to a direct current source. Electric current becomes a "carrier" in the patient's body not only in the "purified" form in the form of burning on ions and molecules, without ballast, but also ions of silver and gold. Preparations are naturally charged with metal ions, and become constituent components in a complex chain of prevention and treatment. This several times increases the pharmacological activity: there is a deep and prolonged deposition of ions, which increases the duration of action of active components on the body. The technique of working with phyto-argentaurum ionization (phytón-herbal preparation Di-Bluden, argentum-silver (cathode-), aurum-gold (anode +) has a special tropism to nervous formations, have a positive effect on the state of microcirculation of the tissue and neurotrophic processes in the field of therapeutic effect.
Electrophoresis is carried out with the phyto-drug "Di-Bluden" (Biologically Active Additive) - it is an additional source of energy, in the chain of the general effect of interrelated therapeutic procedures, necessary for restorative vital activity of the organism. According to the chemical composition, it is a resin alcoholic solution from the extract of the frozen milk juice of pine gum (Gummy), where the active substance - polysaccharides (galactomannan), pectins, alkaloids, pentose and hexose with magnesium and calcium salts of uronic acids, neutral monosaccharides and vitamin B6, water , purified to obtain 25 ml. infusion. According to forecasts by the World Health organization(WHO), during the next 10 years the percentage of phytopreparations in the total amount of medicines would be more than 60 %. A great interest among them are the sources of phenolic compounds and polysaccharides. A significant part of medicines of natural origin with wide range of pharmacological effect has been created on their basis: vasoconstrictive, choleretic, cardiotonic, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, immunomodulating, and others.
Vitamin B6 is a cellular energetic that increases physical efficiency, is able to increase the content of creatinine in the cross-striated muscle, which plays an important role in the process of muscle contraction. It is an especially important element for the immune and nervous system. Actively regulates protein metabolism involving the transport of amino acids through cell membranes. It participates in fat and lipid metabolism, improves the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids. Extract Di-Bluden replenishes the necessary daily intake of Vitamin B6, which is a storage of enzymes (without which the birth and preservation of life is impossible).
Physiotherapy Service offers a comprehensive use of scientifically based medical factors, which greatly expands the therapeutic possibilities, allows a more targeted and multifaceted effect for pathological process.
For conservative treatment the Service uses the new generation of automated devices - "Elfor-Prof", which are intended for drug electrophoresis and galvanization; can be used for almost all therapeutic procedures.The device has a mode of current stabilization, which automatically maintains the set value of current throughout the procedure.
When conducting the procedures of galvanization and drug electrophoresis, medical electrodes made of silver and gold (or copper) are used, which send pulse currents in four streams and are located along a transverse, longitudinal or transverse-diagonal technique. In practice, we use the author's work of E.S. Savadyan "electrode device" (Author's certificate No. 1463313, class A 61 N 1/04, 1986., Central Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N.Priorov) . The device contains several active electrodes and a passive electrode connected to a direct current source. Electric current becomes a "carrier" in the patient's body not only in the "purified" form in the form of burning on ions and molecules, without ballast, but also ions of silver and gold. Preparations are naturally charged with metal ions, and become constituent components in a complex chain of prevention and treatment. This several times increases the pharmacological activity: there is a deep and prolonged deposition of ions, which increases the duration of action of active components on the body. The technique of working with phyto-argentaurum ionization (phytón-herbal preparation Di-Bluden, argentum-silver (cathode-), aurum-gold (anode +) has a special tropism to nervous formations, have a positive effect on the state of microcirculation of the tissue and neurotrophic processes in the field of therapeutic effect.
Electrophoresis is carried out with the phyto-drug "Di-Bluden" (Biologically Active Additive) - it is an additional source of energy, in the chain of the general effect of interrelated therapeutic procedures, necessary for restorative vital activity of the organism. According to the chemical composition, it is a resin alcoholic solution from the extract of the frozen milk juice of pine gum (Gummy), where the active substance - polysaccharides (galactomannan), pectins, alkaloids, pentose and hexose with magnesium and calcium salts of uronic acids, neutral monosaccharides and vitamin B6, water , purified to obtain 25 ml. infusion. According to forecasts by the World Health organization(WHO), during the next 10 years the percentage of phytopreparations in the total amount of medicines would be more than 60 %. A great interest among them are the sources of phenolic compounds and polysaccharides. A significant part of medicines of natural origin with wide range of pharmacological effect has been created on their basis: vasoconstrictive, choleretic, cardiotonic, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, immunomodulating, and others.
Vitamin B6 is a cellular energetic that increases physical efficiency, is able to increase the content of creatinine in the cross-striated muscle, which plays an important role in the process of muscle contraction. It is an especially important element for the immune and nervous system. Actively regulates protein metabolism involving the transport of amino acids through cell membranes. It participates in fat and lipid metabolism, improves the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids. Extract Di-Bluden replenishes the necessary daily intake of Vitamin B6, which is a storage of enzymes (without which the birth and preservation of life is impossible).
In the structure of neurological morbidity among adult population, vertebrogenic diseases of the nervous system represent for almost one half of all cases of consultations. At the same time, one of the important areas is the development of preventive measures and methods of treatment taking into account new data on physiological processes in the body and pathogenesis of diseases.
Physiotherapy Service offers a comprehensive use of scientifically based medical factors, which greatly expands the therapeutic possibilities, allows a more targeted and multifaceted effect for pathological process, where the implementation of identical treatment and recovery procedures have a distinctive, complementary feature from those currently used:
The service has all the conditions for the following procedures:
• Electro stimulation;
• Phyto argetaurum ionization;
• Physiotherapy (thoracolumbal, craniosacral);
• Cryotherapy;
• Lymph drainage therapy
• Passive kinesiotherapy;
• Trigger point therapy
• Thermoregulation
• Saccadic therapy
The patients with following disorders are treated in Physiotherapy Service:
Vertebral syndrome.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Scoliosis.
- Intervertebral hernia.
- Retrolisthesis.
- Stenosis of the spinal canal.
- Spondylitis.
- Facet syndrome.
With neuronal disorders.
- different types of neuralgia.
- The tunnel syndrome.
- Migraine.
- Radiculitis.
- Phobias manifestation
With muscular syndromes
- Chronic myositis.
- Sciatica.
- Muscle
- compression neuropathy.
- Hypertonic muscles
- Muscle-tonic syndrome.
With neurovascular manifestations
- Vegetovascular dystonia.
- Arterial pressure.
- Vertebrovascular dystonia.
- Varicose veins.
- First stages of lymphostasis
Complex therapy using correctly selected natural and preformed therapeutic factors, methods allows to achieve relief of clinical symptoms and restoration of morpho-functional disorders in shorter terms. The proposed method of treatment makes it possible, along with the general stimulation of protective and compensatory-adaptive reactions, to affect differentially positively the impaired body functions.