The ICU Department of MC Erebouni is one of the leading departments of the Republic with its technical equipment, professional strong capacity and capabilities.
More than 5,000 seriously ill patients receive medical care here every year. The Department has 60 beds.
The Department employs more than 90 specialists, 14 are doctors and 54 are nurses.
The intensive care unit is equipped with all the necessary equipment: X-ray and ultrasound diagnostic devices, as well as a dialysis machine. Each bed is provided with equipment according to international standards – oxygen supply device, negative pressure ventilation system, artificial ventilation device, monitoring equipment. All this allows you to continuously monitor the vital signs of patients and perform dynamic monitoring, and if necessary, quickly respond to any problem.
Inside the Department, doctors already have the opportunity to immediately see the results of examinations and images on a large screen, organize online consultations with colleagues, make the right decisions when treating patients.
The Department also stands out for its comfort for both health workers and patients.
The territory is allocated for catering of patients.
The bathroom is equipped with special amenities, designed for severe and extremely severe patients to provide excellent care.
The department provides the treatment of patients in critical states regardless etiology. The priority activity of the clinic are:
- Obstetric sepsis, obstetric and gynecological bleeding complications;
- Neurotrauma,
- Acute cerebrovascular accident,
- Post-hypoxemic brain damage,
- Sepsis and poly-organ failure,
- Nosocomial or severe out – hospital pneumonia;
- Central nervous system infections,
- Severe peritonitis and condition after relaparotomies.
Moreover, at the period of respiratory infection epidemics or in occurrence of new infections threats precisely here hospitalized the overwhelming majority of serious cases that need the polyvalent intensive therapy.
Innovative techniques implemented on the basis of the intensive care unit
Percutaneous dilatation tracheostomy
It was on the basis of our department that for the first time in the country the routine percutaneous tracheostomy was performed by a specialist in resuscitation and did not required the transfer of the patient to the operating room. About 4-5 of such intervention per month are performed at the department. This significantly reduces the duration of respiratory support, incidence and severity of nosocomial infection.
Transcranial Doppler (TCD)
Despite to the long history of the method of Transcranial Doppler, just the ICU of Erebouni Medical Center has become a pioneer for routine monitoring transcranial hemodynamics. In order to correct the treatment of the patients with stroke or head injury the measurement and analyzes of TCD data are performed at the department by Dr. Mangoyan.
The protocol of antibiotic therapy
The ICU Department of MC Erebouni is the expert in the field of antibiotic therapy and provides training and consultation of specialists not only from various departments of EMC but from other hospitals either. The widespread theoretical and practical knowledge is the hallmark of ICU department. These traditions had been established by its founder honored doctor of the Republic of Armenia, Professor GG Mkhoyan