In the Maternity Clinic of Erebouni MC, the most children of the republic are born - about 5,000 children a year.
The Maternity and Postpartum Unit provides full scope obstetric care, which includes the traditions of classical obstetrics combined with the latest perinatal technologies. The maternity ward is equipped with modern equipment to assess the intrauterine condition of the pregnant woman and fetus. The maternity ward has separate rooms that are provided to pregnant women during childbirth and in the early postpartum period.
During childbirth, various methods of anesthesia are used, taking into account the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus, as well as modern approaches to childbirth of high-risk pregnant women, which allow avoiding various obstetric complications. For the purpose of anesthesia during childbirth, prolonged epidural analgesia is widely used, which has a high analgesic effectiveness. Epidural anesthesia is performed by highly qualified anesthesiologists.
Caesarean section is performed according to indications, mainly under spinal anesthesia.
In the postpartum rooms, all the necessary conditions have been created for the mother and newborn to live together, and they are under the round-the-clock supervision of obstetricians and neonatologists. If necessary, a consultation of narrow specialists is immediately organized.
The department also has postpartum wards with high comfort, where food and care for the woman in labor are provided.Every day, women in labor are trained in caring for newborns, hygiene during the postpartum period, if necessary, high-quality psychological and legal assistance can be provided.
Highly qualified specialists specializing in leading maternity and gynecological clinics in Europe and the USA work in the Maternity and postpartum Unit of MC Erebouni.
Maternity wards are equipped with modern equipment for the control of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Delivery rooms are individual.
In postnatal wards the appropriate conditions for joint stay of the mother and newborn are created. Both of them stay under continuous overnight control of obstetricians, gynecologists and neonatologists. There are also individual postnatal wards with possibility for presence of relatives.