Computed tomography is one of the most modern methods of diagnosis based on X-rays exams.
The information obtained, through further computer development, creates a complete image of organ systems, allowing to distinguish between anatomical and physiological changes in organs.
With the help of computed tomography it is possible to discover pathological changes in the brain, chest and abdomen, retroperitoneum and pelvis, vessels, ENT organs, bones, joint, spine and others.
To increase the accuracy of diagnostics, in case of necessity, the CT procedure is conducted by using contrast agent.
CT diagnostic method is very effective for detection of benign and malignant tumors of various organs even the smallest sizes, to clarify their nature, prevalence, vascularisation etc.
There are no absolute contraindications for CT-scan procedure
The relative contraindications are mainly regardto the contrast agent:
- Allergic diseases (especially bronchial asthma);
- Allergic reaction to the iodine solution;
- Renal insufficiency
- Pregnancy
- Hyperthyroidism

Patient preparation for CT scan
For the head, neck, thorax CT scan usually there is no need for special preparation of the patient.For the CT scan of abdomen and small pelvis the preliminary preparation of the patient is necessary.
To increase the diagnostics accuracy of CT scan it could be necessary the intravenous injection of contrast agents.
SIEMENS Healthineers SOMATOM go. UP from worldwide known Siemens company performs the most complex radiological researches thus allowing to broaden clinical range.Introducing groundbreaking CT products and services for decades, Siemens Healthineers is known as the innovation leader. By reducing repetitive workflow steps, GO technologies help standardize and simplify all processes.Unlike the previous generation tomographs, this new device gives a super-accurate image of the disease, diagnosing diseases at an earlier stages.
* SOMATOM go.Up provides new opportunities, with entirely new technologies, new style and design.* SOMATOM go.Up features a line-up of innovative solutions that bring an unparalleled level of flexibility and mobility to daily CT routines.
SOMATOM go.Up has a patient table with scannable range up to 160 cm that can hold up to 170 kg for bariatric patients. Multi-function table is equipped with newly designed accessories.
Computed Tomography Department serves more than 40 people per day with various pathologies.
On first place come patients with acute cerebral circulation disturbance and polytraumas. Then - the patients with oncological and inflammatory diseases.
- CT-scan of the brain in patient with acute cerebral circulation disturbance
- CT of patients with poly-traumas
- CT- angiography with bolus contrasting
- CT of patients with acute surgical states
- CT of patients with oncological diseases
- Vascular pathologies
- Bone pathologies