The first Allergology Service in Armenia was founded in 1985 on the basis of MC Erebouni. The Allergology Service performs diagnostics and treatment of the following diseases:
- bronchial asthma
- allergic conjunctivitis
- Rhinosinusitis
- Urticaria
- Quincke's edema
- Drug allergy- Toxidermia
- Lyell syndrome and Stevens-Johnson syndrome
- food allergy
- atopic dermatitis
- Serum sickness
- anaphylactic shock
- Allergic vasculitis
The service is equipped with allergens that are used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. All modern methods of treatment are carried out in accordance with international standards. A special place is given to the treatment of pregnant women, since in recent years there has been a wide spread of allergic diseases during pregnancy. These are bronchial asthma, dermatitis, urticaria. These pregnant women are under strict control of an allergist throughout their pregnancy. The service also conducts educational process, as well as scientific works.