ENT Department of MC Erebouni was founded in 1991 as a result of cooperation between RA Ministry of Health, President UMAF Paris Dr. Gevorg Abgaryan, Professor Yeghia-Noel Garabedian (Head of ENT clinics in hospitals Trousseau and Necker, Paris), Head of MC Erebouni, Professor Harutyun Kushkyan and under the support of Charles Aznavour "SOS-Armenia" Foundation. The department performs diagnostics and treatment of ENT diseases, using international protocols, the latest approaches, and modern surgical capabilities. The Department is equipped with the latest equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases. Among other equipment, the department is also equipped with the latest endoscopes, which allow you to perform complex diagnostic procedures, get ultra-accurate images, and, if necessary, perform small surgical interventions without transferring the patient to the operating room.
The department performs the following interventions:
- FESS - functional endoscopic sinus surgery
- removal of nasal polyps and larynx
- conchotomy and turbinectomy (removal of the nasal turbinates)
- endoscopic vasotomy of inferior turbinates
- radio frequency reduction and electrocoagulation of turbinates
- correction of a deviated nasal septum
- adenoidectomy (removal of the adenoid vegetations)
- tonsillectomy (removal of tonsils)
- laryngoplasty
- correction of congenital defects such as "cleft palate", "harelip"
- bypass of the tympanic cavity
- cochlear implantation
- reconstruction of the eardrum (myringoplasty)
- Tympanoplasty with microsurgical prostheses
- mastoidectomy
- surgery in pathology (including oncological) of the thyroid gland
- parathyroidectomy (removal of the parathyroid glands)
- sialoectomy
- cervical lymph node dissection, etc.
Since 2004, a Cochlear Implant Program has been launched in Armenia in cooperation with UCLA. Under the guidance of the world-famous ENT doctor, Professor Akira Ishiyama, with the support of the Director of the Armenian International Medical Fund Salbi Agarakyan and the efforts of the management of the MC Erebouni many children had the opportunity to hear and talk for the first time in their lives. As a result of this collaboration, expensive cochlear implants become available to Armenian children.The department cooperates with leading clinics in Europe, Asia and America, where specialists also receive trainings.
ENT Department of MC Erebouni is the main base of the Faculty of ENT Diseases of Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi.
Price list
Mitaka MM90