Hemodialysis is a method of extrarenal purifying of the blood (outside the body), in result of which the toxic products of metabolism are removed from the body and impaired electrolyte and water balance is normalized.Hemodialysis is based on the principle of penetration of substances through the semipermeable membrane, which allows to remove the toxic substances and products of metabolism from the blood. The necessity for hemodialysis occurs in case of severe kidney disease or with the release of a large amount of toxins in the blood, when healthy kidneys cannot fight it. The necessity for hemodialysis is set by specialists depending on the diagnosis and the patient's condition.
The main indications for hemodialysis:
- acute and chronic renal failure
- poisoning by different poisons and medicinal agents. (unfortunately, not all toxic substances can be removed from the body by this method),
- drug overdoses
- severe violations of the electrolyte composition of the blood
Due to the fact that dialysis may be accompanied by some complications (arterial hypotension, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, infectious diseases), it is paramount important that patients adhere the recommendations of the specialists: taking the medications, diet , preventive checkups and necessary tests.Department of Dialysis of MC Erebouni today is the most advanced dialysis center in the country. The department is equipped with highly integrated hemodialysis systems that meet international standards. Hemodialysis equipment is combining the high standards of care which improves the quality of life of the patients. Fresenius treatment system provides high-quality therapy -ONLINE hemodiafiltration, which today is the most effective method of kidney replacement therapy.
By the way, foreign citizens and tourists in need of dialysis can also use the paid services of the dialysis center.