After the decision of the government of 2009, since 2010, June 21 has been celebrated annually in Armenia as the Day of the Medical Worker. This decision, consolidated by the Government on the initiative of the Minister of Health Harutyun Kushkyan, was aimed at once again emphasizing the role of medical workers.
This year, on the eve of the Day of the Medical Worker in Armenia, the "Public Rating "company organized the award ceremony "National Doctor and Leading Medical Center".
The award ceremony was attended by representatives of various medical institutions of the republic and doctors.
Doctor, teacher, scientist, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Erebuni Medical Academy, Dr. Alina Kushkyan MD carries out her work with the aim of training qualified specialists. She was awarded in the nomination " Invaluable contribution to the organization of medical education".
The polyclinic of MC Erebouni has recently been renovated and equipped with the latest equipment. Polyclinic has main primary health care services. 37,000 citizens receive primary medical care in comfortable, high-class conditions.
In the nomination "Rating polyclinic of higher medical care", the polyclinic of MC Erebouni was awarded.
The covid-19 and the 44-day war have made the difficult and painstaking work of medical workers more noticeable, proving once again that the healthcare system in Armenia remains true to its principles.