
The Surgery Clinic of MC Erebouni is named after famous surgeon Hovhannes Sarukhanyan.


The Surgery Clinic of MC Erebouni is named after famous surgeon Hovhannes Sarukhanyan.
The Surgery Clinic of MC Erebouni is named after famous surgeon Hovhannes Sarukhanyan.

Thanks to famous surgeon, professor, Chief surgeon of RA thousands of lives were saved in Armenia, in particular, in MC Erebouni. He is the first, who introduced a number of innovations in Armenian surgery. Professor leads Surgery Clinic since 1998. Despite his age Dr. Sarukhanyan continues to work and share his knowledge with young doctors. Several generations of Armenian surgeons consider him their teacher. Grand opening of the signboard of Surgery Clinic named after Hovhannes Sarukhanyan was held.

Executive Director of MC Erebouni Mikael Manukyan in his greeting speech noted, that on instruction from Harutyun Kushkyan, the name is given in honor of Professor`s long years of excellent work.

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