The Neonatal Intensive Care Department of MC Erebouni has been reformed and opened its doors completely upgraded, equipped with advanced features and new baby care products. Neonatal Intensive Care Department is for those children who were born with complicated and premature births. The third highest status degree providing perinatal care of Maternity Clinic obliges the medical staff to be always ready to provide adequate medical care even in the most difficult cases. Therefore, the management of MC Erebouni decided to hand over this complex and responsible job in safe hands. Now the Department is headed by Consultant neonatologist at The Ministry of Health of RA, Prof., Pavel Mazmanyan. After the reformation of Neonatal Intensive Care Department, all the necessary modern standards have been created to ensure the treatment and care of sick and premature newborns. The management of MC Erebouni obtained the world`s best equipment to implement Intensive Care. These are the Japanese "Atom Medical" production of incubators and open intensive care systems, phototherapy lamps, monitors, Swiss and German "Hamilton" and "Stephen" lung breathing apparatus that enable high-frequency lung ventilation. The newest device of the German "Medin" company provides the whole range of non-invasive respiration support, including high frequency. These are all what you need to save a newborn`s life or the lives of those with problems. But the renovation of the department is not limited to this. It is also envisaged to update the diagnostic equipment to carry out ultrasound, x-ray examinations of newborns. The idea of continuous perinatal care has been adopted by the department, which presupposes pregnancy consultation and training before the birth of the child, then supervision and treatment in hospital. After being discharged from the Maternity Clinic, an outpatient service has also been created to carry out brain ultrasonography, and consultation with narrow specialists for children. There is also a maternity school at MC Erebouni where future mothers receive the necessary advice on breastfeeding and newborn care.