A new revolutionary method , used in developed countries of the world - is the prostate artery embolization, has already become available for the patients of Armenia.
Not so long ago, the endovascular intervention with embolization of prostate artery performed in MC Erebouni for the first time has become a sensation for medical world of our republic. (https://www.erebunimed.com/rus/news.more/198).
As noted by the Executive Director of MC Erebouni M.V. Manukyan: “After 8 months follow-up it can already be said with confidence, that prostate artery embolization with prostate adenoma has become an effective alternative to its surgical intervention as the most effective and less traumatic approach to the problem, without the use of anesthesia”. Already, as an urologist, he noted, that the above described method gives the opportunity to the patients (men aged from 50 and more) not just to return to a productive life, but also to avoid possible unwanted postoperative complications, that can be observed with open surgical intervention (time spent in hospital, long-term drug therapy, reduction of the potency, residual urination disorders, etc.).
At present in MC Erebouni in 10 patients with varying degrees of complexity of the prostate disease have already been applied the method of prostate artery embolization. In the short and long follow-up period of examination of the patients were detected pronounced positive dynamics: significant decrease in prostate volume and sizes, recovery of normal urination, saving potency. According to Executive Director of MC Erebouni M.V. Manukyan the use of this method of treatment in the patients with varying degrees of prostate enlargement has shown its equal high efficiency regardless of the volume of adenoma.
However, it is extremely important , that the use of endovascular method of prostate gland treatment is used only for benign lesions.
During the conversation, all patients who underwent prostate artery embolization unanimously expressed admiration for the professionalism of the doctors, medical staff and the results.
At present prostate artery embolization is performed in Armenia, only in MC Erebouni by endovascular surgeon of Angiography Department Dr. A. Tsaturyan, who attended professional development and specialization courses in Portugal.
Long-term follow-up of the patients showed that a new unique method- prostate artery embolization has been proved.
In order to bring information about the new highly effective method of treatment to the Armenian public so that people could take advantage of the latest medical achievements in the Erebouni MC without leaving the republic, the mass media gathered in the conference hall of the Erebouni MC and the detailed information regarding technique for embolization of prostate artery with obtained a few months ago (https://www.erebunimed.com/rus/news.more/198) highly effective results had been presented
Today this method has already been firmly established in the routine practice of endovascular surgeons of Angiography Department of MC Erebouni. The study, the adoption of experience, the introduction and use of advanced world methods and technologies in our clinic continues! Everything is for the benefit of the patient!