
For the first time in Armenia! Endolumbar chemotherapy was carried out in the Department of Chemotherapy of MC Erebouni.


For the first time in Armenia! Endolumbar chemotherapy was carried out in the Department of Chemotherapy of MC Erebouni.
For the first time in Armenia! Endolumbar chemotherapy was carried out in the Department of Chemotherapy of MC Erebouni.

Endolumbar chemotherapy is the latest invention in medicine, the purpose of which is to increase the effectiveness of the method of treating CNS tumors, to improve the conditions for carrying out antitumor therapy for patients, since chemotherapy drugs do not pass the blood-brain barrier.

The novelty of the invention consists in that the subarachnoid space is catheterized and chemotherapy drugs is administered through the catheter.

In 19.04.2018 for the first time in Armenia in MC Ereboui was carried out endolumbar chemotherapy. New method has been actively used in many leading clinics of the world. At the beginning of April 2018, a patient D. L., 44 y/o, was admitted to the Department of Chemotherapy of MC Erebouni with complaints of severe headaches and unrestrained vomiting. Past medical history: breast cancer with metastatic brain lesion.For 1.5 years she was receiving combination therapy. Currently, as a result of instrumental examinations, meningeal metastasis has been detected.

A council was convened consisting of a Deputy Director for therapy Dr. Hasmik Saiyan, MD; the Head of Intensive Care Unit Dr. Armen Muradyan, MD; Head of Department of Chemotherapy of MC Erebouni , Chief Oncologist of Yerevan Dr. Haykuhi Geokchyan, MD; Head of Neurology Department Dr. Nune Yeghiazaryan, MD. After studying the patient's condition , clinical and laboratory examinations, the patient was offered endolumbar chemotherapy.

In 19.04.2018, for the first time in Armenia, MC Erebouni, endolumbar chemotherapy was carried out by the Head of Chemotherapy Department Dr. Haykuhi Geokchyan and Head of Intensive Care Unit Dr. Armen Muradyan.

It is important to note that after the first cycle the patient's condition has improved significantly: headaches became much less frequent and weaker, vomiting stopped. The patient has to undergo several more cycles.

The growth of oncological diseases in Armenia gives reason to think that it is extremely necessary to increase the level of qualified medical care for people with cancer. The implementation and application of innovative methods in accordance with world standards and protocols, equipment and medicines, the professional skills of doctors and medical staff of the Chemotherapy Department of MC Erebouni will allow many patients to go from illness to recovery.

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