
Dilation of the Eustachian Tubes


Ever experienced that unsettling feeling of fullness in your ears during takeoff or landing on a plane, or even during a car ride?

This sensation often stems from Eustachian tube dysfunction, where negative pressure builds up in the eardrum, causing blockage, reduced hearing, and sometimes even headaches and a sense of pressure and noise.

While transient discomfort during travel is common, persistent issues may indicate underlying nasal conditions such as viral infections, polyps, nasal turbinate enlargement, or adenoid tissue hypertrophy, leading to Eustachian tube dysfunction.

The Eustachian tube, connecting the ear cavity to the nasopharynx, plays a crucial role in maintaining ear pressure and fluid balance. Prolonged dysfunction can significantly impact quality of life and potentially lead to fluid accumulation and associated complications.

When conservative treatments fail, a revolutionary solution comes into play: Eustachian tube balloon dilation. This innovative procedure offers a safe and effective means to address chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction.

Erebuni Medical Center introduces this groundbreaking treatment for the first time in Armenia, offering hope to those grappling with persistent ear congestion. With a track record of successful interventions in the Department of Otolaryngology spanning over a year, patients can anticipate restored Eustachian tube function, alleviation of ear congestion, and improved hearing.

Take the step towards relief and restoration at Erebuni Medical Center, where innovative solutions meet compassionate care.

Dilation of the Eustachian Tubes
+374 10 47 11 00
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