
Erebouni Medical Center has been supplemented with advanced, innovative computed tomography (CT) scanners.


Erebouni Medical Center has been supplemented with advanced, innovative computed tomography (CT) scanners.
Erebouni Medical Center has been supplemented with advanced, innovative computed tomography (CT) scanners.

Erebouni Medical Center has been supplemented with advanced, innovative computed tomography (CT) scanners.

SIEMENS Healthineers SOMATOM go. UP from worldwide known Siemens company performs the most complex radiological researches thus allowing to broaden clinical range.

Introducing groundbreaking CT products and services for decades, Siemens Healthineers is known as the innovation leader. By reducing repetitive workflow steps, GO technologies help standardize and simplify all processes.

Unlike the previous generation tomographs, this new device gives a super-accurate image of the disease, diagnosing diseases at an earlier stages.

* SOMATOM go.Up provides new opportunities, with entirely new technologies, new style and design.

* SOMATOM go.Up features a line-up of innovative solutions that bring an unparalleled level of flexibility and mobility to daily CT routines.

In addition to the technical advantages, high-end CT scanner also helps to enhance patient comfort. These solutions are especially for those who have a fear of closed spaces.

Due to its effective workflow, SOMATOM go.Up allows to broaden clinical range and grow with profound clinical results. Premium technologies deliver high-quality results.

Benefits of SOMATOM go.UP:

* New age engineering solutions have reduced the research period by 1.5 times

* Radiation dose is minimized from 4 to 6 times

* contrast media dosage is minimized while maintaining the image quality

One of the exceptional features of SOMATOM go.UP is a low-exposure lung test, which is equivalent to fluorescence, but is more informative and also suitable for preventive research.

SOMATOM go.Up has a patient table with scannable range up to 160 cm that can hold up to 170 kg for bariatric patients. Multi-function table is equipped with newly designed accessories.

The advanced technologies enable to control the entire procedure from the tablet and remote control by using intuitive touchscreen functions.

These two CT scanners produced in November, 2018 are installed in MC Erebouni and has been recording unprecedented results in Armenia for about two months now.

+374 10 47 11 00
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