
Doors Open Day for breast screening.


Doors Open Day for breast screening.
Doors Open Day for breast screening.

With the support of Erebouni MC and at the initiative of "Donna Armenia" organization 34 women were screened for free. As a result of the consultation, 22 of the women underwent mammography and 12 of them sonographic examination. October is announced Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the world. And to diagnose cancer at an early stage, you need to perform breast cancer examination once a year. Based on this principle, Erebouni MC regularly organizes Doors Open Days. This time, free examinations have been conducted under supervision of Head of Breast Unit Dr. Nerses Berberyan and Head of Department of Chemotherapy Dr. Haykuhi Geokchyan. All mammography and sonographic examinations were carried out by Head of Mammography Service Dr. Lusine Hakobyan. There are more women who need a free examinations. Taking this into account, another Doors Open Days in Erebouni MC is scheduled in late October.

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