In March 2016 the MC Nairi jointly with Finnish Orthopedic Clinic COXA has founded COXA-Nairi clinic in order to implement the world`s achievements in the field of joint replacement.
About one third of the world population suffers from various dysfunction of the locomotor system. The joint disease holding the leading place among this pathologies and often lead to the development of disability.
Jointly with leading specialists of Finnish COXA Clinic the hip and knee joint replacement surgeries and revision joint replacements were performed. The revision is a surgery of re-implantation of an early implanted prosthetic joint that get degraded or complicated joints. Such kind of surgeries for the first in Armenia was performed in Armenian-Finnish COXA-Nairi Clinic. Despite same with the Finnish clinic high quality and level of intervention, it is much more accessible for the patients in the terms of cost and comfort.
Total joint replacement - is the surgery on the replacement of the joint components with implants, which have an anatomical shape of a healthy joint and allow performing all movements. The purpose of joint replacement is a reduction of pain and functional recovery of joint. Joint replacement –is an effective, and sometimes the only way of the functional recovery of the joint, allowing significantly improve the quality of life. After such kind of surgeries the patient forgets about the pain in joints and returns to an active life.
For joint replacement surgery in Coxa-Nairy Clinic the prosthetics of the leading companies-manufacturers of implants are used. Each implant undergoes multilevel control and has a certification.
The materials of endoprosthesis are characterized by high durability and good viability. Thus the service period is about 15-20 years, in some cases the patients may use them up to 30 years.
Metal endoprosthetics are made from various stainless steel alloys.
The surgery of joint replacement is applied in various diseases and joint traumas, which lead to a partial or complete loss of motor functions:
• Degenerative-dystrophic disease (all kinds of osteoarthritis and arthritis)
• Bekhterev`s disease accompanied by joint destruction
• Quiet hip disease
• Intraarticular fractures
• Dysplasia of the hip
Hip fracture
Absolute contraindications for surgery:
• diseases of cardiovascular and bronchial-pulmonary system in the stage of decompensation;
• the presence of purulent locus of infection (tonsillitis, carious teeth, chronic sinusitis and otitis, pustular skin diseases);
• mental or neuromuscular disorders
• active or latent infection in the joint prescription of less than 3 months
• skeletal immaturity
• poliallergy
• the absence of the medullary canal of the femur
• acute vessel diseases of the lower extremities (thrombosis, thromboembolism)
Relative contraindications:
• oncological diseases
• chronic somatic diseases
• liver failure
• hormone osteopathy
• hormone imbalance (osteopathy)
• obesity 3 degree
Each particular joint disease is characterized by specific features that allow distinguishing them from each other. However, all of them characterized by the following symptoms: pain at rest, during or after physical activity; constraint, limited mobility; local variations in the affected area - erythema (reddening), violation of sensitivity, high fever, deformation in bone or cartilage tissue, swelling; jamming and crunching during movements. All this not only causes a significant reduction in quality of life, but also the patient`s disability, with a reduction in the ability to self-service.
If a constant pain in the joint prevents the patient to perform the simplest everyday movements, breaks the rhythm of normal life, it is necessary to consult a specialist orthopedist-traumatologist. who will examine the patient, carry out X-Ray of an affected joint and determine the nature of the pathology.
Joint replacement surgery can be complete (total) or incomplete (partial). In case of partial joint replacement only replacement of worn parts is performed, for example, bone head or glenoid cavity. Thus such kind of surgery is also called hemiarthroplasty. Unlike the hemiarthroplasty (unipolar), during total joint replacement the replacement of the entire joint to the endoprosthesis is performed.
Before the surgery a thorough examination is carried out, during which indications and contraindications are determined for performing the surgery. A careful measurement of the joint and selection of the necessary prosthesis is made also. More often the joint replacements surgeries are performed without serious complications and allow almost in all cases achieve the recovery of the motor activity of the patient, as well as to relieve him from a long-term pain.
Innovation method of the joint replacement is the best in the world , since in the same day after the surgery the patient gets to his feet and begins to walk. The next day after the surgery he is already going up and down the stairs. This method provides persistent pain relief during 3-4 days of postoperational period, which not only comfortable for a patient, but also is a necessary condition for his rapid return to a normal activity.
An integral part and recipe for success of joint treatment is an early development (kneading) of the operated joint from the very first hours after the surgery, which is carried out by rehabilitologists specially trained in Finnish clinic COXA.