Recently, in 29.11.2016, the special designed device Paxman cool scalp ,which is unique in whole Caucasian region , was acquired by The Department of Chemotherapy of MC Erebouni . It is a special cooling device-cup for the head, due to which the patients can avoid hair loss while receiving chemotherapy curse for the treatment of oncological diseases.
It has passed few period of time since it became possible to use this device in Erebuni MC, but we have already some very promising results.
After carrying out 2 courses of chemotherapy in 7 patients, it was stated more than 60 % of hair preservation. It’s an excellent result, considering the fact, that the patients after the 2nd course of chemotherapy, usually lost the most of the hair (up to 99%).
It is important to note, that Paxman cool scalp is mainly used in chemotherapy of mammary and ovarian cancer.
There are a few contraindications for applying the above mentioned device: hypertension, scalp diseases, brain metastases.
The use of a new method of Paxman cool scalp in chemotherapy of the mentioned patients has been carried out in MC Erebouni free of charge.