On 16 September , 2017 in Erebouni MC, the first stage of the examination of the European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care was held.
The European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care was introduced into international practice in 1984. The founder is the famous British anesthetist of Armenian origin John Zorab (1929-2006).
The European Diploma - is the only opportunity at present to have official confirmation that the high level of your professional training is in line with the standard recognized by the European Board of Anesthesiology (EBA).
In the opinion of the examiners the main goal of any exam is to check the breadth and depth of knowledge. Therefore, the examination standard is set by examiners who act as representatives of the issuing authority, in this case the European Society of Anesthesiologists. Possession of the diploma of the European society - achievement of a high standard of knowledge for all anesthesiologists in Europe.
The exam is conducted in different languages, in two parts, and includes the basic and clinical disciplines necessary for the specialist anesthesiologist. The possession of EDAIC (the European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care) is proof of the high level of training. Those who passed Part I & Part II components of the exam are awarded with the Diploma and the title "Diplomate of the European Society of Anesthesiologists" (DESA). It is expected that the new Diplomates will become Members of the European Society of Anesthesiology (ESA), will receive appropriate privileges and will participate in the activities of the Society.
Examinations of the European diploma on anesthesiology and intensive care in Armenia have been held since 2008, when the Yerevan Examination Center was founded. Exams in Yerevan are organized in MC Erebouni by the chairman of the On-line Assessment (OLA) of the European Society of Anesthesiology, the president of the Armenian Society of Anaesthesiologists-Resuscitators Dr Armen Varosyan. Until 2017, the first written part of the exam in all centers around the world was conducted in a traditional paper way.
In 2017, the examination committee of the European Society of Anaesthesiology decided to conduct the exam using computers online in 4 centers - Armenia (Yerevan), Ireland (Cork), Msida (Malta), Ankara (Turkey), equipped with the appropriate technical capabilities and having a certain experience.
With pride it should be noted that one of the centres has become Erebouni MC, where the exam was successfully conducted!