
As part of the fight against COVID-19, a new intensive care unit was opened in MC Erebouni


As part of the fight against COVID-19, a new intensive care unit was opened in MC Erebouni

As part of the fight against COVID-19, a new intensive care unit was opened in MC Erebouni The Department is based on the model used in leading clinics. This is the second intensive care unit of MC Erebouni. The new Department has 20 beds. It is planned that more than 1000 severe and extremely severe patients will receive treatment here every year. The new intensive care unit is equipped with all the necessary equipment-X-ray and ultrasound devices, as well as a dialysis machine. Each bed is provided with equipment according to international standards – oxygen delivery device, negative pressure ventilation system, artificial ventilation device, monitoring equipment. All this allows you to continuously monitor the vital signs of patients and perform dynamic monitoring, and if necessary, quickly respond. Inside the Department, doctors already have the opportunity to immediately see the results of examinations and images on a large screen, organize online consultations with colleagues, make the right decisions when treating patients.

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