Armenian Radiology Association jointly with MC Nairi from 4-6 of December of 2016 conducted Armenian-French scientific conference dedicated to the problems of epilepsy in children and adults.
Within the framework of the conference the doctors from University Hospital of Montpellier(France) Nikolas Mangin De Shanfled, Karen Mkhitaryan-neurologist of the Clinic Kochba Eson (Paris,France), as well as leading neurologists of MC Erebouni Dr. Nune Yeghiazaryan and Biaina Sukhudyan from Arabkir MC had presentations.
Speakers in their reports focused on problems of diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in Armenia.Invited speaker-experts presented the latest methods used in the detection and treatment of this disease in France and Europe in general.
Conference participant - leading radiologists and neurologists of Armenia and invited experts made a consensus-to work through a single protocol for MRI diagnosis of patients with epilepsy.
In the frame of conferencethe participant had been invited to MC Nairi to see the introduction of new diagnostic MRI protocol on the latest MRImachine for the diagnosis of epilepsy, which will make possible not only to shorten the time of the study, but also to raise the level of diagnostics to a new qualitative level. This protocol corresponds to the level of world standards.
In MC Nairi under the protocol were examined more than 20 patients of various age, suffering from epilepsy. Most of the patients previously passed examination in various clinics of Armenia and abroad. If earlier, some of the examined patients weren`t diagnosed epilepsy (based on MRI images), in accordance with the new protocol, the disease has been recorded.
Patients were very satisfied with both doctors conducting the survey (examination) and all the staff, as well as high-precision diagnostics capabilities of new protocols. All the participants-experts of the conference actively participated in the discussions and the process of the patients` examination.
Using a new MRI protocol for the diagnosis of epilepsy in Nairi MC in accordance with international standards will have a permanent character and aimed to raise the level of diagnosis of the disease in Armenia.