
Aortic valve replacement using the endovascular technique performed at MC Erebouni.


Aortic valve replacement using the endovascular technique performed  at MC Erebouni.

50-year-old man underwent aortic valve replacement without opening the chest. Until recently such surgeries had only open approach, but the world is already going through endovascular interventions. A new valve is inserted into the old valve through the femoral artery. The intervention no longer requires a chest wall resection.

The team of cardiologists work in the angiography room, meanwhile, beyond the window, large group of doctors under the leadership of Executive Director of MC Erebouni are following the unprecedented intervention. 50-year-old man is undergoing aortic valve replacement without opening the chest.

On the initiative of MC Erebouni, Margharma company invited world renowned interventional cardiologist Anmol Sonavan to Armenia. He has performed aortic valve replacement together with interventional cardiologists of MC Erebouni. The surgery lasted 2 hours without any complications.

The patient had aortic stenosis, narrowing of the arterial valve. The aortic valve is located at the border of the aorta and the left ventricle. Narrowing of the valve is called stenosis. It causes a difference in pressure between the left ventricle and the aorta, resulting in heart failure and sudden death. Until recently such surgeries had only open approach, but the world is already going through endovascular interventions. After the valve is inserted, the pressure difference disappears and the signs of the disease drop dramatically.

Aortic valve replacement have so far been performed through open surgery. However, according to the principles adopted by the MC Erebouni management, all the surgeries that the world performs in a non-open approach must be successfully introduced and implemented in MC Erebouni. This is the next step.

Thus, this advanced method of endovascular aortic valve replacement was also introduced in MC Erebouni, becoming a precedent for further such cases and a step further in the field of cardiology.

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