The Neonatal Department is busier than usual, neonatologists carry out the last examinations before discharge, nurses help the newborn's mother. After 127 days in the Intensive Care Unit, Samvel, who was born with a weight of 480 grams and now weighs 2 kg, is dressed in a hero costume. And 4 months ago, his chances of life were like a miracle.
The director of the Maternity Clinic of MC Erebouni Dr. Andranik Poghosyan performed a caesarean section at 26 weeks to save the life of a pregnant woman and a newborn. The weight of the baby born with intrauterine nutrition problems was extremely low - 480 grams. He was transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and immediately connected to an artificial respiration machine.
For 4 months, 7 days, the doctors of the Neonatal Department, headed by the head of the department, Professor Pavel Mazmanyan, fought for Samvel's life. It was painstaking work of sleepless nights, requiring high professionalism, since the newborn not only survived, but will also go home without health problems characteristic of extremely premature babies.
With doctors, Aksenya struggled with hope, faith, and optimism. She was sure that she would not leave the Maternity Clinic alone.
This is another victory of the Neonatal Department. Mariam was discharged a few months ago, she was born weighing 500 grams, but in the case of Samvel, the team is one step ahead.
Samvel leaves his native environment, doctors take pictures with him and excitedly accompany.